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Impacts 2023: Webinar: Global Real Estate Trends And Picks For 2024

What are the dynamics that will shape the global real estate landscape for the year 2024 and beyond? In a time when real estate markets are navigating a complex combination of geopolitical tensions, economic fluctuations, and structural shifts we share our insights on the key themes that will influence the investment landscape and we will present our top picks across various global markets and sectors with solid fundamentals and promising growth prospects. From prime assets in core markets to value-added and opportunistic strategies for asset optimisation, we will explore crucial trends and opportunities that are going to shape investment decisions. For convenience we are running this webinar at 9:00am and 4:30pm GMT – please register for the time that suits you.

On Tuesday the 5th December Savills World Research set out the global macro-economic outlook, timings for a recovery in global investment, and the expected direction of yields in the coming year. In addition, we heard how investor strategies are set to shift in 2024, which sectors will be in the greatest demand, and outlined the factors expected to drive markets next year and beyond.

Watch the full webinar below and explore our Trends and Picks for 2024:

On the up: global real estate investment picks for 2024

Real estate investment in 2024

Presenters and panellists:

  • Paul Tostevin – Head of World Research
  • Eri Mitsostergiou – Director, World Research
  • Oliver Salmon – Director, World Research